Samtals Safnað
10.000 kr.
15.000 kr.
Söfnuninni er lokið,
takk fyrir stuðninginn!
takk fyrir stuðninginn!
I love visiting Iceland. My sister introduced me to this lovely country and we have travelled all over the country discovering the natural beauty and the kindness of its inhabitants. Once, we were at the international airport when a fellow traveler had sudden cardiac arrest. My sisters and I used the AED (automated external defibrillator) to resuscitate this person. He was taken to the Cardiac Unit at Landspitali University Hospital in Reykjavik where he was cared for by an excellent team! I want to continue to support the medical personal in Cardiology. I appreciate their dedication to compassionate care.
Minningarsjóður hjartadeildar
Sjóður til styrktar Hjartadeildar Landspítala
Nýir styrkir
Stöðuþráður hlaupara
Tracy Michaud
Upphæð5.000 kr.
Michaud Family
Upphæð5.000 kr.