Unconfirmed results will appear here from the Islandsbanki Reykjavik Marathon 2024 on Saturday the 24th of August. Timing is done with with race bib numbers that have an inbuilt timing chip. Corsa will oversee the timing with equipment from Race Results. Here you will be able to find information regarding winners of the races and final results.

Marathon female - 42K

Marathon male - 42K

Half marathon female - 21K

Half marathon male - 21K

Half marathon non binary - 21K

10K female

10K male

10K non binary
Total results
Click on the category you want to view. Then you will get a pop-up window with the results. You can press Ctrl F and type in the name of the person you are looking for in order to minimize the scrolling :)
Half marathon
Fun Run
Note that the results can change in the next few days. There are always a few errors that need to be fixed because of people mixing their bib numbers or other human errors.
If you can not find your name in the results, please e-mail info@marathon.is no later than noon, August 26th, 2024 with information about your name, bib number and estimated finish time. Information about the colour of your clothing can also be helpful.
Age group awards are given for first place in the male and female age groups. The age group awards will be handed out at the Islandsbanki branch in Norðurturn in Smáralind(shopping centre) on Tuesday, 27th of August at 4:30 pm. This is done to ensure that the results are correct before the prize is awarded.